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Curtin Game Development Club

Pitch Jam 2023

Sat, 17 Jun 2023
17-06-2023 12:00
18-06-2023 18:00

SIGN UP HERE: Pitch Jam 2023 Sign-Up Sheet

We are excited to announce Pitch Jam '23 in collaboration with Curtin Illustration Club and Curtin Animation Club!

The Pitch Jam is a competition event. Entrants will be given a prompt and their team must come up with a pitch concept for a video game, TV show, feature film, comic or picture book that is suited to that prompt. BUT - you only have 24 hours to make the pitch!

Moodboards, concept art, whitebox levels, storyboards, rough illustrations all welcome!

Saturday June 17th - Sunday June 18th

Curtin University Building 202 Room 126

Members from either Curtin Game Development Club, Curtin Illustration Club or Curtin Animation Club - if you aren't a member already, join now so that you don't miss out!
Teams: 1 to 3 People


A collaborative event with the Curtin Game Development Club, Curtin Illustration Club, and Curtin Animation Club, with sponsors to be announced!

Curtin Student Guild, Curtin University Building, Bentley, Western Australia, 6102, Australia

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