Club History

Curtin Game Development Club was founded as a Curtin Student Guild-affiliated club in 2020, dedicated to supporting budding game developers at Curtin University. Over the years, CGDC has strived to create a safe and welcoming space for all those interested in making video games, through regular events such as Weekly Meetups and, beginning in 2022, the annual inter-club collaboration tradition of Pitch Jam.

The activities of CGDC would of course not have been possible without the leadership and teamwork of our dedicated club committees.

2020/2021 Committee:
President: Isaac Waugh
Vice President: Dexter Ong
Secretary: Joel Chia
Treasurer: Socrates Ge
OCMs: Faraz Abrar, Nikhil Chadhari, Yiu Kei Seet, Max Collins, Jeremy Wee, Illias Delis (2020); Jarrid Twomey (2021)

2022 Committee:
President: Jet Trijo
Vice President: Amber Howe
Secretary: Dana Knowles
Treasurer: Ashleigh Sayers

2023/2024 Committee:
President: Tom Langdon
Vice President: Matthew Backhouse
Secretary: Daniel Ling
Treasurer: Andrew McMahon
OCMs: Sunny Choy, Shakiba Borhanzehi (2024)